Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spent My Day in the DEN!

I had an AWESOME day today with a couple of co-workers, including my *MOM*, and a bunch of fun Discovery Educators from around North Carolina! We had so much fun! We spent almost the entire day in Raleigh, at the Friday Institute of Technology (amazing facility) at NC State. The day was filled with 3 sessions led by none other than Lance Rougeux, Patty Duncan, Brad Fountain, and Dr. Lodge McCammon! If these names do not sound familiar to you, please click on their names and learn more! They are all amazing people who give so much to the world of education!
Lodge spoke about his FIZZ philosophy. He is such an entertaining, knowledgeable educator who is so passionate about what he does. 
Lance Rougeux gave a very inspirational and funny introduction to the day about engaging our students in the classroom.
Brad Fountain discussed ways to intertwine science AND literacy in the classroom with cool organizers and activities.
And last, but not least, Ms. Patty Duncan had a classroom full of centers focusing on interactive, collaborative  science centers including Science Techbook by Discovery.
All of the sessions were amazing and mom, Wendy, and I left so pumped up to teach our kids all the great things we learned!
Best of all, we got a free trial subscription to Discovery's Science Techbook.....AWESOME!! You guys should really check out this interactive text book filled with videos, lessons, printables, assessments and MORE! Here's the link:

Oh, and you know I had to include some pics!
My mom, myself, Lance Rougeux, and Wendy

Us with Dr. Lodge McCammon **Check out the shirt!**

And of course we had to get a pic of the back!

Annnnnd I got to meet Judy Uhrig! (a member of the NC DEN Leadership Council with me!)
Oh and of course you have to check out the awesome video of Dr. Lodge McCammon's session!

So, as you can tell, today got me so pumped! I am so excited to get back to school and share with my colleagues and students all the awesome things we learned! Also, remember the NCTies Conference is this Thursday and Friday in Raleigh! YAY! See ya there!

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